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10 Best Superfoods To Fight Allergy

Superfoods To Fight Allergy

While avoiding allergens is the best way to avert allergic reactions, eating foods with anti-histamine property is also recommended to strengthen your body’s ability to fight allergy. Moreover, foods that help in relaxing the airways and reduce inflammation are also considered beneficial for fighting the allergy symptoms. Although it helps to eat the allergy fighting foods throughout the year, you should especially increase their intake during the allergy season.

Here Are The 10 Best Superfoods To Fight Allergy:

Citrus Foods

Citrus foods such as lime, lemon and oranges are best known for their high vitamin C content, which make them ideal for fighting allergies. Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine. It stimulates detoxification of histamine, which helps in lowering the histamine level naturally, thereby providing relief from allergy symptoms.

Citrus Fruits


Studies have confirmed the anti-allergic property of probiotic foods such as yogurt. Studies have shown that children of women who took probiotic supplements during pregnancy have lower risk of developing allergy-related eczema. The fermented milk product also helps in reducing risk of allergic rhinitis. The good bacteria in yogurt help in reducing excess histamine secretion.



Apple contains an antioxidant compound called quercetin, which helps in inhibiting excess histamine secretion. It works by maintaining the normal function of the basophils and mast cells that assist in preventing allergic reactions.


Chia Seeds

Chia seed is an excellent source of the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fats help in suppressing production of inflammatory chemicals triggered by the allergic reactions. Hence, adding the omega-3 fatty acids rich chia seeds to your diet helps in alleviating allergy-induced inflammation of the air passages.

Chia Seeds


Flavoring your foods with rosemary helps in fighting allergies. Rosmarinic acid, the main active constituent of rosemary, is a powerful anti-histamine agent. It helps in destroying the T cells activated by allergic reactions. Moreover, the anti-allergic property of rosmarinic acid helps in reducing inflammation caused by allergy.


Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are the richest sources of magnesium. Magnesium is a natural antihistamine. Experimental studies have shown that magnesium deficiency increases susceptibility to allergy. Magnesium suppresses histamine secretion. Furthermore, it helps in dilating the airways that eases breathing.

Pumpkin seeds

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds help in providing relief from allergy symptoms by boosting the vitamin E reserve of the body. Vitamin E is a powerful anti-inflammatory nutrient. It reduces inflammation triggered by allergy. In addition, the antioxidant property of vitamin E helps in preventing free-radical induced cell damage following excess histamine production.

Sunflower seeds

Fatty Fish

Rich in omega-3 fats, fatty fish helps in reducing inflammation of airways caused by allergy. Consuming fish oil helps in providing relief from the allergy symptoms and can also help in reducing the severity of the allergic reactions.

Fatty Fishes

Red Wine

Drinking red wine in moderation can also help in providing relief from allergy symptoms. Quercetin, one of the active constituents of red wine, is a powerful antihistamine. By inhibiting production of histamine it benefits people suffering from allergy.

Red Wine


Another excellent source of quercetin that you can add to your anti-allergy diet is onion. Moreover, onion also helps in thinning the phlegm and clearing the air passages. Hence, onion is beneficial for people suffering from allergic rhinitis.

Onions (2)

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