Blog, Diet Tips

10 Artery Cleansing Superfoods

Artery Cleansing Superfoods

Arteries are clogged due to plaque buildup and clogging of arteries leads to poor blood flow. When LDL increases and the HDL decreases arteries tend to get clogged leading to various health issues. A heathy lifestyle with healthy eating habits is vital to keep the heart healthy.

Superfoods For Cleansing the Arteries


Asparagus is a great artery cleanser. It triggers the production of glutathione and antioxidants. Both of these helps in combating inflammation and prevents clogged arteries.



A cup of broccoli, when consumed daily helps in preventing artery clogging. The sulforaphane present in this vegetable helps in proper protein usage thereby reducing the chances of plaque formation. Also, the presence of high vitamin K helps in preventing damage to the artery.



Eating moderate quantity of almonds is good for the heart. It contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that lowers LDL and increases HDL. Magnesium present in almonds help in preventing blood pressure and formation of plaque.



Watermelon contains L-citrulline, a specific kind of amino acid, which is known to reduce blood pressure. The nitric oxide it produces helps in widening the blood vessels facilitating good blood flow. Blood lipids are also modified preventing fat deposit in the lower abdomen leading to good heart health.



Avocado helps in decreasing LDL levels. Vitamin E present in avocado prevents the oxidization of cholesterol with the help of potassium and decreases blood pressure.


Olive Oil

Olive oil in its pure form is enriched with antioxidants and fats that are healthy. This combination is great to increase the HDL levels and reduce the unwanted fat levels. Thus, buildup of plaque is inhibited and the arteries and heart remain healthy.

Olive Oil


Turmeric has healing properties. It is an anti-inflammatory ingredient and prevents heart blockage. Curcumin found in turmeric helps in reducing the fat deposits in arteries. The presence of vitamin B6 decreases plague buildup.



A healthy fish enriched with omega 3 and EPA helps in elevating the levels of HDL. This helps in avoiding the inflammation and blood clot formation.



Pomegranate works great as artery cleanser. Nitric oxide produced due to the presence of antioxidants in pomegranate greatly helps in regulating the blood flow to the heart. It also helps in removing the plaque that has already been formed in the artery.



Garlic is great for the heart. It helps in avoiding the artery from becoming hard. It also helps in lowering the LDL levels and greatly helps heart health during old age.


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