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10 Awesome Home Remedies To Treat Nasal Congestion

Home Remedies To Treat Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion is a highly discomforting condition when your nose gets blocked by an accumulation of thick mucus for which you cannot breathe properly. If you are attacked by cold, flu and allergies, it is quite likely that your nose will get blocked. This ailment if not attended in time can lead to sleep deprivation and ear infection. Instead of depending too much upon over the counter medicines, nasal congestion can be cured by a number of ways available handy at your home itself.

The Following Ten Awesome Home Remedies Will Give You A Quick Relief:

Treatment With Garlic

Garlic is loaded with chemicals having anti-viral and anti-fungal properties that help in reducing your nasal congestion. Take three cloves of garlic and boil them in a cup of water. Add a pinch of ground turmeric to the solution. Sip this mix on a regular basis until you feel better. You may simply chew fresh raw garlic cloves to beat nasal congestion.

Treatment With Garlic


Inhalation Of Steam

This will give you quick relief from nasal congestion. It is a natural expectorant and keeps your respiratory tract well lubricated. Grind a tablespoon full of carom seeds and add the powder to boiling water. As the water keeps boiling, put a clean towel over your face and nose and inhale the steam directly. Adding a couple of drops of peppermint oil to the boiling solution would give you better results. However, this home therapy should be restricted to adults only as the children may get their tender facial skin damaged by the heat of the steam.

Inhalation Of Steam

Apply Hot Compress

Take a small cotton pad and heat it over an electric heating lamp. Press the hot pad on your nose gently. The mucous will get diluted and come out clearing your nasal passage. Continue this treatment for 15 minutes. Applying this remedy 2-3 times daily will provide best results.

Apply Hot Compress

Inhale Eucalyptus Oil

Due to its anti-inflammatory property, eucalyptus oil provides an amazing remedy for nasal congestion.
Add a couple of drops of fresh eucalyptus oil in a clean handkerchief and keep on inhaling. Repeat the process a couple of times throughout the day. If you want to have the remedial effect of eucalyptus oil overnight, you may add a few drops of this oil to your pillow so that you draw the benefits of the oil even in your sleep.

Inhale Eucalyptus Oil

Drink Hot Tea With Lime And Honey

Drinking hot tea adding lemon juice and honey would be a great home remedy to clear your nasal tract from mucus. Honey has antibacterial properties, and lemon juice rich in Vitamin C drives away the mucus apart from boosting your immunity. Prepare a cup of tea as usual. To the hot tea, add a quarter cup of lemon juice and a few drops of honey. This would make a perfect concoction for getting relief from nasal congestion. Drink the tea thrice daily.

Drink Hot Tea With Lime And Honey

Treatment With Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has fantastic antiviral property that would act as a wonderful remedy for nasal congestion. Add four drops of tea tree oil to a cup of boiling water. Cover your face with a towel and inhale the vapor. Do this few times a day and continue it for a couple of days. Your nasal congestion will be cleared completely.

Treatment With Tea Tree Oil

Treatment With Saline Solution

Saline solution helps greatly in treating nasal congestion. Add one teaspoon of table salt to two cups of lukewarm water and stir it well. With a dropper, pour a few drops of the solution directly into your nostrils. You will be pleasantly surprised at the instant relief that you get from the action.

Treatment With Saline Solution

Chew Basil Leaves

Make it a regular habit to chew five basil leaves in empty stomach in the morning as you wake up and at night as you retire to bed. Basil has excellent properties for fighting nasal congestion that will startle you.

Chew Basil Leaves

Have Hot Tomato Juice

Hot tomato juice is very effective in curing your nasal congestion. Take a few slices of garlic, a tablespoon of lime juice, a pinch of celery salt and add the ingredients to a cup of hot tomato juice. Drink the juice at least twice a day and continue the treatment for a couple of days. Your nasal congestion will no longer trouble you.

Have Hot Tomato Juice

Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar provides an excellent remedy for blocked nose and helps in diluting the mucus. Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey in a cup of warm water. Drink the mix thrice a day and continue for a week to avail best results.

Apple cider vinegar remedy

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