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6 Home Remedies For Varicose Veins

Home Remedies For Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are a situation in which the size of veins enlarges and it is seen through the muscles. This is a common problem and it can be treated easily if you notice it at the right time. Most of us tend to ignore this problem during the initial days and we only realize the problem when the veins are seen through the muscles. You can try simple home remedies that can help you to get rid of even severe pain that is caused through varicose veins.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar can be a miracle medicine for Varicose Veins. You can use undiluted apple cider vinegar for massaging the area which is affected due to Varicose Veins. You will have to continue with this for at least a month so that you can see the difference. For immediate results, you can drink Apple cider vinegar. Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it, twice in a day. If you continue with drinking and massaging for a month’s time then the result will be evident.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Olive Oil And Vitamin E Oil

If the pain due to Varicose Veins is severe then you will have to opt for massaging. Mix olive oil and vitamin E in equal quantity and heat it. Let the heated oil reach a warm temperature. Use this oil for massaging for 15 minutes, before going to bed. You will be able to notice the reduction in pain, in a day or two.

Olive Oil And Vitamin E Oil

Garlic, Olive Oil And Orange Juice

Take 15 garlic cloves, few drops of olive oil and three teaspoons of orange juice and make a fine paste out of it. Take this paste and massage it in the affected area for 15 minutes, before going to bed. Take the same paste and apply it on the infected area and tie it with a cotton cloth. This will allow the paste to work overnight. Continue this for 30 days so that you can get rid of Varicose Veins pain and swelling.

Garlic, Olive Oil And Orange Juice

Grape Seed

Grape seed can act as a painkiller. You can just chew grape seed so that you can get rid of the severe pain that is caused due to Varicose Veins. You can consume up to 150 mg of grape seeds. It is better that you take 50 mg per time and three times in a day. If the pain is in excess then you can take it 4 times a day but don’t increase the dosage extremely.

Grape Seed


Grape Seed Essential Oil

Grape seed essential oil can be a wonderful medicine for Varicose Veins. Heat few drops and use this for massaging. You can massage with grape seed essential oil, twice in a day. Once should be before going to bed so that the grape seed can be on the affected area, all night. In the morning, you can wash the oil with warm water.

Grape Seed Essential Oil

Pine Bark

Pine bark is known for the antioxidant property that it offers. This will be helpful in reducing the pain and swelling that is caused due to Varicose Veins. Add three cups of water to the pine bark and heat it. Let the water steam down to one and half cup. You can consume 50 mg dosage, three times a day. If you want to increase the dosage then you will have to consult with a medical herbalist.

Pine Bark

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