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12 Home Remedies For Sinus Congestion

Home Remedies For Sinus Congestion

The problem of sinus congestion is very common and adds a lot of problems to your life. In the problem of sinus congestion there is congestion in the respiratory and the nasal passages. Not only this, the affected person also faces the inflammation in the respiratory tract along with formation and deposition of mucus. Health problems like cough, flu, cold, infections, allergies etc are responsible for sinus congestion and the problem is more common in people with weak immune systems. You might feel symptoms like coughing, sneezing, head ache, sore throat etc and it is therefore very important to relieve the symptoms in order to treat the sinus congestion. Here are the home remedies that are advisable to be followed to get relief.


Steaming process is very easy to follow and it gives you effective relief from the problem. By taking hot water in a vessel you can start the method. Cover your head with towel with a cloth and inhale the steam to reduce the congestion and the inflammation. Follow the remedy twice a day for better results.



Drinking excess water daily is also a great relief from the problem of sinus congestion. Water helps in eliminating the mucus and thus reduces the congestion from the respiratory and the nasal passages very effectively.


Salt Solution

Prepare a salt solution by adding some common salt to warm water. Using this solution for gargling your throat helps in providing relief from the symptoms of sore throat and hence helps in reducing the congestion as well.

Salt Solution

Cinnamon Powder

Cinnamon powder is anti inflammatory in nature which is very useful in reducing the inflammation in the nasal passage. Consumption of cinnamon powder also helps in relieving other symptoms. You can consume cinnamon powder with honey every day to treat sinus congestion.

Cinnamon Powder

Green Tea

Green tea has anti oxidants that improve the immunity of the body and treats infection and allergies to prevent sinus congestion. Not only this, consuming a warm green tea also helps in relieving the inflammation and reduces the mucus from the nasal passage very effectively. It is therefore advisable to consume green tea on a regular basis to have complete relief.

Green Tea

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is useful product that is rich in the anti inflammatory nature which provides relief from the inflammation of the respiratory passage. Not only this, it also has other useful properties that reduce the mucus and prevents congestion to facilitate easy breathing. Mix apple cider vinegar in warm water and consume the diluted mixture two times in a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Grape Fruit

Grape fruits should be included to the daily routine to get relief from the repeated occurrence of sinus congestion. Grape fruit is rich in anti bacterial and anti viral properties and prevents the infection and also the useful anti inflammatory properties provide relief from the symptoms. Consume grape fruit regularly to get the benefits.

Grape Fruit

Nasal Rinse

You can also perform nasal rinse to get relief from the blocked nasal passage. In order to do this, you need to add salt to water and then use this solution to gently rinse your nasal passage. This remedy helps in reducing the congestion of the nasal passage and also the anti inflammatory nature of salt helps in providing relief from the inflammation very effectively.

Nasal Rinse

Lemon Juice

Since the problem is more common in low immunity people and it is therefore very important to increase the immunity of your body to prevent the occurrence of sinus congestion. For this you need to consume lemon juice regularly because the rich anti oxidative nature of lemon helps in boosting the immunity to prevent health problems.

Lemon Juice

Cayenne Pepper

Consumption of cayenne pepper solution also delivers effective results for treating the sinus congestion problem. It has anti inflammatory properties and also it helps in eliminating the mucus and facilitates easy breathing. You should use warm water to prepare the mixture and consume the mixture 2 times in a day.

Cayenne Pepper

Hot Soup

Prepare a vegetable hot soup to treat the problem of sinus congestion. The rich properties of vegetables aid the recovery from the problem and the warmth helps in reducing the congestion and inflammation very effectively.

Hot Soup

Turmeric Milk

Turmeric milk is also very useful in getting relief from the respiratory problems. It contain anti inflammatory properties which can provide complete relief from the inflammation and also reduce the mucus to prevent congestion. Daily consumption of turmeric milk is recommended to get complete relief from the sinus congestion.

Turmeric Milk

Follow these remedies regularly to get complete relief from the problem.

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