Blog, Women's Heath

7 Effective Home Remedies For Breast Cancer

Home Remedies For Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a very serious health problem among women and the problem is caused due to the formation of the tumour cells inside the lobules of the milk glands in the women. The problem is very dangerous and can be fatal as well and it is therefore very important to get relief. You can try different home remedies in order to reduce the symptoms and prevent the occurrence of the problem very effectively.


Grapes are very effective in providing you relief from the symptoms of breast cancer and also help in preventing the problem very effectively. It is therefore advisable that you should consume more grapes regularly to get relief.


Wheat Grass

Wheat grass is very effective against breast cancer. The consumption of wheat grass juice helps in increasing the immunity of the body and also reduces the growth of the cancer cells in a very effective manner.

Wheat Grass

Green Tea

Green tea contains a number of useful anti oxidants that prevent the free radicals in the body and thus the growth of tumour cells is reduces. Regular consumption of green tea is thus recommended to get relief and prevent the problem of breast cancer effectively.

Green Tea

Soy Products

The consumption of soy products is very useful for the health and they provide essential nutrients to the body that help in increasing the immunity and also reduce the growth of cancer cells. Consume products like soy bean, tofu, soy cheese etc to get relief.

Soy Products


Lignans are also very useful in reducing the growth of cancer cells in the body. They contain the useful chemical compounds and provide effective relief against the problem of breast cancer. Therefore include lignans containing foods lke sunflower seeds, pea nuts etc in your routine to get relief.


Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are also rich in rich in anti oxidants, omega 3 and other compounds that are very effective in preventing the cancer development in the body and it is therefore very important to add flax seeds to your routine.

Flax Seeds

Blue Berries

Blue berries are also very useful in getting relief from the problem. They contain the useful anti oxidants that prevent the tumour in the body therefore consume more blue berries to get relief.

Blue Berries

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