Health Care, Women's Heath

12 Very Useful Home Remedies For Osteoarthritis

Home Remedies For Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a very common and very disturbing health problem that is affecting a lot of people and this problem is more common in women as compared to men. The problem usually occurs in the body joints and affect the cartilages of the joints leading to their breakdown due to which the bones rub with one another causing an extreme pain and inflammation. The problem is more common in the areas like hips, feet, knees, spine, back, hands and fingers.

Several factors like obesity and over weight, joint injury, diabetes, pressure and stress on the joints etc are mainly responsible for the occurrence of this problem. The symptoms that help in diagnosing the problem are pain, inflammation, stiff joints, inflexibility, movements causing excruciating pain. The problem generally affects the age group of 40 plus but nutritional deficiencies and life style habits can force the problem to occur to anyone. This painful problem can be treated effectively with rest and you can also use the following home remedies to get relief.

Warm Compress

The problem causes lot of pain and inflammation and therefore you can get relief from these symptoms by using a simple warm compress which is very effective in reducing the symptoms and also regulates the blood circulation to provide relief.

Warm Compress

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is widely used for treating all the forms of arthritis. The inflammation caused is effectively treated by the anti inflammatory compounds of magnesium present in the salt. Mix some salt in warm water and then soak the body or the affected part in the water to get relief from the symptoms.

Epsom Salt


Turmeric powder is one of the very effective home remedies to treat the problem of osteoarthritis. It has all the required properties like anti inflammation and healing nature which reduce the symptoms and also strengthen the damaged cartilages to provide relief. Apply paste of turmeric on the affected areas and also consume it orally to get better results.


Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper reduces the symptoms of osteoarthritis very effectively. Not only this, the pepper powder is also very effective in promoting the movements and provide great relief. Therefore you should consume the cayenne pepper powder with honey or with water to get the benefits.

Cayenne Pepper

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil provides anti inflammatory effect to the affected areas and not only this the rich nutrients of coconut oil are absorbed by the body and help in strengthening the bones and cartilages to prevent the problem from getting worse. You should therefore massage the affected areas gently with some coconut oil every day.

Coconut Oil

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar when consumed regularly can effectively treat the symptoms of osteoarthritis. It provides relief from the pain, inflammation and the stiffness of the joints. Not only this, it also helps in promoting the movements to make you feel better. Mix 2-3 table spoons of apple cider vinegar to glass of warm water and drink regularly to treat the problem completely.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Ginger Oil

Many people have gained relief from the symptoms of osteoarthritis by sung ginger oil. Ginger is anti inflammatory in nature and it is obvious that it will treat the problem. Not only this, ginger also helps in eliminating the waste products from the joints to improve their health. Include ginger and massage the affected areas with the oil to get the benefits.

Ginger Oil

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds also possess the anti inflammatory nature along with the presence of anti oxidants that help in preventing the swelling and inflammation in the joints and also treats the problem of stiffness to provide relief. It is therefore recommended that you consume soaked fenugreek seeds every night and consume it the next morning. Repeat the remedy to get complete relief from osteoarthritis problem.

Fenugreek Seeds

Green Tea

Green tea is a very useful product as it helps in improving the health of the joints and also makes the bone density better. Not only this, the anti oxidative and anti inflammatory nature of green tea is very useful for getting relief from the inflammation and the pain. Therefore include green tea to your routine to get benefit.

Green Tea

Cinnamon Powder

Cinnamon powder can relieve the inflammation from the joints very effective and you should consume it with honey every day to treat osteoarthritis effectively.

Cinnamon Powder

Indian Gooseberries

Indian gooseberries are rich in vitamin C that helps in improving the bone and muscle health and also eliminates the toxic accumulation in the joints. It relieves the inflammation and swelling very effectively. Therefore you can drink it every day to get relief.

Indian Gooseberries

Mustard Oil

Mustard oil provides warmth to the joints and increases the blood circulation. It is therefore advisable to massage the affected areas with mustard oil to get relief from the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Mustard Oil

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