Blog, Weight Loss

How To Take Acai Berry To Lose Weight

Acai Berry To Lose Weight

Because of its high antioxidant content, acai berry is considered a superfood. Eating acai berry is good for your heart and brain. It also helps in weight loss. Acai berry contains all those ingredients that your body needs to break down fats. It contains fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids that help in controlling hunger and stimulating metabolism. Furthermore, acai berry also helps in detoxification, which helps in flushing out toxins that slow down metabolism and are responsible for unintended weight gain. However, acai berry works best when combined with a healthy diet.

To Lose Weight, You Can Take Acai Berry In The Following Ways:

Acai Berry Tea

One of the best and simplest ways to take acai berry is in the form of tea. To boost the effectiveness of the herbal tea, consider blending it with other healthy ingredients.

Acai Berry Tea

How To Make

To prepare a cup of acai berry tea you will need one acai berry tea bag, ½-teaspoon of fresh lemon juice, a cup of boiled water and one to two drops of liquid stevia. Pour the hot water in a cup and steep the acai berry tea bag for up to 10 minutes. Add lemon juice and stevia. To reap the maximum benefit of acai berry, drink three to four cups of acai berry tea every day.

Acai Berry Juice

Although expensive, nevertheless, the antioxidant rich acai berry juice is a wonderful weight loss drink. Consume 30 to 60 ml of acai berry juice two to three times a day to help your body burn the unwanted fats.

Acai Berry Juice

How To Take

Drinking undiluted acai berry juice can cause stomach upset, especially when you are taking the juice for the first time. To minimize risk of any adverse reaction, dilute the acai berry juice with water before consumption. You can even blend it with other fruit juices or with your healthy smoothie recipe.

Acai Berry With Green Tea

To lose weight fast, combine acai berry with green tea. The antioxidant polyphenols and caffeine in green tea help in boosting metabolism of fats. When acai berry juice is added to green tea vitamin C present in acai berry helps in increasing bioavailability of the green tea compounds.

Acai Berry With Green Tea

How To Take

Brew a cup of green tea. Mix a tablespoon of acai berry juice with the tea. Drink two to three cups of green tea with acai berry juice daily.

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