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9 Amazing Home Remedies For Acne

Home Remedies For Acne

Acne is the most common problem faced by youth specially the teenagers. It adversely affects your beauty and adds to tension of your mind. But no need to worry as there are many useful home remedies which can treat your acne quickly. So try them and enjoy your refreshed look.

Here Are Some Of The Amazing Home Remedies To Heal Acne:

Lemon Juice:

Lemon juice is a very useful agent for clearing acne and its scars from your face. It has unique properties of cleansing and killing bacteria. It might produce some irritation but it is very beneficial for preventing acne. Take 1-2 lemons. Squeeze in a small bowl. Apply on your pimples with clean hands. Keep for 25-30 minutes. Then dip cotton in rose water and clean your face. Follow this process regularly to get rid of pimples.

Lemon Juice (7)

Garlic Juice:

Garlic juice is another cleansing formula for your skin. Apply garlic juice on your acne with neat and clean hands. Rub it for 5-6 minutes. Leave for some time and then wash your face with cold water. It is a very good remedy for your face that not only removes pimples but even cleans their marks, leaving a flawless and clear skin.

Garlic Juice

Tomato Juice:

Tomato juice contains a very good amount of Vitamin A and C. It not only cleans your skin, also tightens the pores. Moreover, application of tomato juice lightens the skin tone and gives a wonderful fair complexion with a pinkish tint on your face. Take a tomato, cut it into two pieces and squeeze tightly. Apply this juicy pulp on your face twice a day to get clear skin naturally.

Tomato Juice

Ice Pack:

Rubbing the ice on skin also soothes it and heals the acne, providing relief especially in scorching summer. It refreshes your skin and cools down your pimples. When you skin gets dehydrated in summer, you can rub ice on it so that the water gets restored and your skin is rehydrated. There is one more magical effect of rubbing ice on your face that is before applying makeup on your face if you rub ice before it, your makeup lasts for a longer duration.

Ice Pack (3)

Talcum Powder:

Most of the girls face the problem of pimples on their face due to oily skin. Oily skin requires a lot of cleansing time to time and does not even let you try experiments in your makeup. One easiest remedy to control oil balance of your skin is application of talcum powder at night. You can apply it on your pimples before going to bed at night. It soaks the excessive oil secreted by pimples and makes skin more clean next day. But make sure you use the powder of a reputed and trusted brand such as Ponds dream flower talc.

Talcum powder


Toothpaste is another amazing remedy to cure pimples which is lesser known by people. Most of the people don’t know that how beneficial is toothpaste in healing of acne from your face and relieving it. Apply a pea sized amount of toothpaste on your pimples and feel the instant cooling of it. Repeat this remedy for a couple of weeks to have a clear skin as it gradually shrinks the pimple and after sometime it is completely vanished. Be ready to enjoy your new look that you always dreamt of. Also just make sure you don’t use flavored toothpaste. Just take a simple one.


Chickpea Flour And Turmeric Face Pack:

It is a traditional home remedy in India for years and years. Application of Chickpea flour And Turmeric pack is a compulsory pre-marriage ritual in India because of its amazing beauty benefits. All of you must have heard from your grandmother about Chickpea flour And Turmeric face pack to get glowing and clear skin. It is very easy to make this face pack. Take 2 tbsp of Chickpea flour and add ½ tsp of Turmeric powder to it. Add rose water to make a thin paste of it. It has a pleasing fragrance too. Then with the help of cotton apply it evenly to your face. If applied regularly it will clear pimples from your skin leaving it amazingly beautiful.

Chickpea flour And turmeric face pack


Mint is very good for your skin. It provides cooling and relief from painful acne swelling. It contains a natural anti-inflammatory property that leads to instant relief from irritation that is caused by acne. Wash you face properly. Apply some fresh paste of mint leafs on your face. Leave for 20-30 minutes. You will feel really fresh and relieved from acne. Apply it regularly for a month and experience a major change in your skin.

Mint Juice


Sugar is a very good remedy for skin exfoliation as it tightens the pores of skin. It acts as very good scrub for your skin. Take 2 tbsp of sugar and add plain water in it. Mix it properly. Now apply it on your face and massage for 10-15 minutes. This will clear out all the impurities from your skin and lessen the emergence of pimples on your face. Moreover, it provides a shine to your skin and makes it smooth as never before.

Swallow sugar

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