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21 Excellent Natural Home Remedies For Inflammation

Home Remedies For Inflammation

Inflammation is generally referred to as the joint pain and discomfort caused by weakening of your immune system. It is a very bad joint related problem which can be faced by children, young people and most commonly by the old peoples. Their joints tend to lose their power and become more prone to inflammatory disease. But need not worry because amazing home remedies for inflammation are present here. These remedial products are easily available at your home and they are completely natural.

Here Are Some Of The Excellent Home Remedies For Inflammation:


Since time immemorial, Turmeric is very well known for its remedial benefits. It has amazing properties to provide strength to your immune system and bones. You can consume 1 tsp of turmeric daily with a glass of warm milk.


Epsom Salt:

Epsom Salt is rich in magnesium and it is amazingly effective for your joints nourishment. You can simply sprinkle some of it in a bucket of hot water. Now soak your hands and feet in it. Especially remember to dip your joints.

Epsom Salt


Ginger is a constituent of rich nutrients that provides strength to your immune system. You can simply start consuming ginger in your daily diet to enjoy its healing benefits.


Olive Oil:

Olive oil is another very good and reliable home remedy to get rid of inflammation. You can heat some extra virgin olive oil and apply it on your hands and feet. Massage gently on your joints.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Cinnamon is again a very effective natural remedy for inflammation. It is rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for your body. You can start including cinnamon in your daily diet. You can also try cinnamon tea for this purpose. It would be immensely beneficial to you.


Green Tea:

Green Tea contains a lot of anti-oxidants that strengthen your body and boosts immunity and metabolism. You can try drinking green tea daily in order to get relief from inflammation naturally.

Green Tea

Cod Liver Oil:

Cod Liver Oil is a very power packed ingredient for your ultimate good health. It is rich in essential vitamins and minerals that are needed by your body to strengthen your muscles and joints. You can start consuming cod liver oil or also try massaging it to your inflammatory body parts. It will provide you the adequate warm and gradual relief.

Cod Liver Oil


Kale is the king of green vegetables. It contains amazing nutrient that power your body and makes you able to fight inflammation easily. It is very effective home remedy and must try. You should start consuming kale in your daily diet and see the results.



Basil is another amazing home remedy for inflammation. It provides inner power and strength to your body. You can simply start chewing some fresh basil leafs daily and also you can mix them while preparing tea. It will really benefit you.

Holy Basil

Peppermint Oil:

Peppermint Oil is rich in minerals that provide adequate nourishment to your joints and make you capable to fight inflammation easily. You can lubricate your joints by massaging peppermint oil and see the desired results in lesser time easily.

Peppermint Oil

Eucalyptus Oil:

Eucalyptus oil is again very effective for you to get rid of inflammation. It is rich in necessary nutrients that powers up your joints and make them nourished. You can apply some warm eucalyptus oil to inflaming parts of your body. Massage for 20 minutes.

Eucalyptus Oil


Berries are a rich source of adequate minerals that provides strength to your body. It makes you able to fight inflammation also. You can try consuming berries too.



Raisins are also very useful for you if you are facing the problem of inflammation. They are very rich in amazing nutrients that boosts your immunity and makes you less prone to inflammatory disease.


Cayenne Pepper:

Cayenne Pepper is also trusted home remedy for inflammation. You can start consuming it daily to see the desired results. It helps you to get rid of inflammation soon.

Cayenne Pepper

Grape Juice:

Grapes are very rich in essential minerals required by your body. In order to fight the inflammation you can start drinking a glass of grape juice daily. It will really prove to be very beneficial for you.

Grape Juice

Coconut Oil:

Coconut Oil is again very useful home remedy for treating the problem of inflammation naturally. You can try massaging some warm coconut oil daily on your hands and feet or other inflammatory areas of your body. It will provide the adequate warm and tenderness to your joints.

Coconut Oil Treatment


Garlic is very well known by all of us for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is a very good alternative to see the results soon. So in order to fight inflammation, increase the consumption of garlic in your daily diet.



Celery is also regarded as a home remedy for treating inflammation. You can start consuming it in your daily diet to see the results.



Pumpkin is regarded as a very effective vegetable for the treatment of inflammation naturally. It provides nourishment to your joints. You should try it for the good changes.

Use Of Pumpkin

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Rubbing some amount of warm apple cider vinegar on your joints can also be a very good alternative to get rid of inflammatory disease easily. It is very rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Yellow Mustard:

Yellow Mustard is also a very good and effective home remedy to fight the inflammation naturally. It boosts up your immunity system and moreover, it provides tender care to your joints. Try consuming 1 tsp of it daily with a glass of warm milk.

Yellow Mustard

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