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10 Home Remedies For Nausea

Home Remedies For Nausea

Nausea is a particular kind of feeling that can affect to people of all age group. Almost all people face this problem of nausea due to one reason or the other. The person suffering from nausea will feel like vomiting, sweaty and dizzy feeling. It is thus important to get it cure by some best home remedies that are easy and effective. The problem of nausea can be due to various types of reasons such as motion sickness, food poisoning, dehydration and many more. Select some best home remedies to try in order to get relief from the problem of nausea.

Home Remedies For Nausea:


Lemon can be the first and the perfect home remedy to treat the issue of nausea. It contains citric acid that will help to generate bicarbonates in the stomach. This in turn will reduce the symptoms and get rid of nausea problem. Lemon is also effective to maintain pH level. Take some fresh lemon juice along with honey. It will provide instant relief from nausea.



Fennel seeds can be used to treat the problem of nausea in various manners. Fennel is responsible to remove all gas from the stomach. It has high amount of carminative properties to treat the problem of nausea. The anesthetic properties of fennel will help to get rid of nausea. Take some fennel seeds in water and boil. Mix some honey and lemon juice to it. Drink it to remove nausea issue.



Cloves are very essential to remove all sorts of nausea related issues. It has best kinds of properties to get rid of nausea symptoms. Using cloves can treat nausea caused due to various types of issues. Take some cloves in powdered from and add to boiling water. Wait for some time and strain it properly. Drink this solution in order to get best results.



Cumin has huge numbers of properties that can help to enhance digestion and get rid of nausea problem. The essential properties in cumin will remove nausea and all its symptoms. Take some cumin seeds and add it to a cup of water. Allow it to boil and then strain it. Drink this solution in order to get the best results to avoid nausea symptoms.



Peppermint contains high amount of menthol in it. The antispasmodic properties of peppermint can help to get rid of nausea and its related symptoms. Take some peppermint leaves and add it to a cup of water. Boil it and strain the liquid. Add some honey to it and drink this tea to get best results. Peppermint oil can be used for same purpose.



Ginger has lots of anti-inflammatory and other properties, which can help to get rid of nausea and its symptoms. The phenol compounds present in ginger will mainly act to provide relief from nausea. Take some ginger and add it to boiling water. Boil it for some time and then strain the liquid. Add little amount of honey to it and drink this solution for best results.



Cinnamon can be of great use to treat nausea and its related symptoms. It has soothing effect that can soothe the stomach and get rid of nausea. Take some cinnamon stick along with its powder and boil it in some amount of water. Strain the solution and add little honey to it. Drink this solution in order to cure nausea and its symptoms.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be used to cure the issue of nausea. Its acidic properties will help to promote digestion. It can also help to reduce the conditions that lead to nausea. Take some apple cider vinegar in a cup of water. Add honey for taste and drink this solution to provide relief from nausea and its related symptoms.

Apple cider vinegar

Cold Compress

Cold compress can become the best kind of solution to treat nausea and its symptoms. It is mainly used to reduce the body temperature, which will reduce the symptoms of nausea. Takes some ice cubes and wrap it in a clean cloth. Now apply the towel on the back, forehead and other areas to get relief. It will provide better feeling and cure nausea.

Cold compress


A best kind of  juice can be prepared by using mint, lemon and ginger. Take some mint and ginger to make a paste of it. Extract the juice from it and add lemon juice to it. Take this herbal juice to treat nausea and its deadly symptoms. It is easy to prepare and ready to use in order to get relief.


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