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10 Home Remedies For Jaundice

Home Remedies For Jaundice

Jaundice is a kind of serious health issue that can be seen in people of all age group. It is mainly caused due to excess amount of bile pigment in the blood. Excess amount of Bilirubin can lead to problem known as jaundice. It is mainly produced by the liver, and in case when the liver is unable to flush it leads to problem known as jaundice. There are lots of methods to reduce the amount of Bilirubin in blood. Home remedies must be followed in order to cure jaundice in short period of time. These remedies will also remove all symptoms related to jaundice.

Home Remedies For Jaundice

Sugarcane Juice

Sugarcane juice is one of the most effective kinds of treatment to cure jaundice. People suffering from the problem of jaundice can use this juice to get rid of this problem. It will also help to maintain the level of glucose in the body. Prepare some fresh sugarcane juice and add little lemon into it. Drink this juice regularly to nourish the body and get rid of jaundice.

Sugarcane Juice


Turmeric is the best medicine that can help to cure jaundice. It contains curcumin, which will help the liver in the process of detoxification. Curcumin is also going to help the liver from dangerous toxins. Use of turmeric is surely going to help in curing jaundice. Take some turmeric powder with warm milk before going to bed. Repeat the process for best type of results.


Radish Leaves

Radish is mostly used as a vegetable. Use of radish during jaundice can help to bring down the level of Bilirubin in the blood. It is also the best kind of vegetable that can remove toxins from the body and help liver to flush out Bilirubin. Extract some fresh radish leaves juice and drink it daily to stay fit and prevent jaundice. It is the best solution to tackle jaundice.

Radish Leaves


Ginger is always considered as a natural form of detoxifier. It helps the liver to stay healthy and flush out the Bilirubin from it. Take some ginger juice on daily basis in order to stay healthy and avoid jaundice. Ginger juice can be mixed with mint juice in order to increase it benefits. Repeat the process for around thrice a day in order to provide perfect results.



Lemons are rich in citric acid and can also help in curing the liver from any kind of problem. Lemon is diuretic in nature, thus it help in promoting urine formation through which all toxins can be easily flushed out. Take some fresh lemon juice and add it to one glass of water. Drink this solution for 3-4 times a day in order to derive its benefits.



Barley has always been used to get rid of jaundice problem. Barley is also diuretic in nature and thus helps to flush out harmful toxins out from the body. It will also help to flush Bilirubin out from the body. Take some barley and put it into some water. Allow it to boil and strain the liquid. Add some lemon juice and drink this solution for best results.



Almonds are dry fruits that help in proper functioning of liver. It can thus help to get rid of the problem related to jaundice. They are also rich in iron, magnesium, fiber and calcium that are required for proper functioning of liver. Take some almonds along dates and soak it in water. Keep it for overnight and make a paste of these fruits the next morning. Take this mixture to get desired results.



Tomatoes are always rich in lycopene that can help to repair any type of damages caused to liver. They are also effective in removing the toxins from the body. Take some tomatoes and boil it in water. Now blend them all and add little pepper to it. Drink this solution regularly to get rid of jaundice and symptoms related to it.



Carrots can also be used to take care of jaundice issue. Carrots acts as cleansing agent for liver and thus can remove Bilirubin. They can also boost the immune system of the body. Take some carrot juice during breakfast to recover fast from the problem of jaundice. Carrots can also be taken in the form of salads or juice. They will surely help to recover from jaundice.



Buttermilk can also act perfectly to get rid of jaundice. Add some cumin seeds powder into the buttermilk in order to increase its importance. Drink buttermilk regularly to increase digestion and treat jaundice in a very effective manner.


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