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Top 13 Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginitis

bacterial vaginitis

When there is an inflammation in the genitourinary tract of women, leading to a thick smelly white colored discharge, it is known as bacterial vaginitis. There is a ph imbalance in the vaginal region which causes itching, redness, swelling and pain in that area. Simple home remedies can be of help and go a long way in easing the problem of bacterial vaginitis.

The Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginitis Are:


It is a powerful anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, and an antiseptic that fights the bacteria causing the trouble. Drinking hot milk in which turmeric is dissolved, controls the problem of bacterial vaginitis. It should be drunk daily till the infection is totally eradicated.


Cold Water Compress

Dip a cloth in cold water and dab the vaginal area with this compress. This will not only provide a soothing feeling, also reduces the itching and swelling in the vagina.

Cold Water Compress


The antibacterial nature of margosa help in reducing the inflammation caused by the infection. Margosa powder can be taken to reduce the infection in the vaginal area.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps in maintaining the ph balance of the vaginal area and an imbalance in the ph level is what causes the bacteria to thrive. Drink apple cider vinegar in warm water daily to reduce the infection and also washing the vaginal area with diluted apple cider vinegar can help in fighting bacteria and controlling the problem of vaginitis.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Hydrogen Peroxide

A solution of hydrogen peroxide can be soaked in a cotton ball or tampon and applied to the vagina to relieve the bacterial vaginitis. It is anti-inflammatory in nature and also disinfects the affected area.

Hydrogen Peroxide


Chew garlic daily to increase the infection-fighting capacity of the body. Insert a peeled garlic clove wrapped in a gauze into the vagina to disinfect and reduce the inflammation in that area. Remove it in half an hour and repeat this therapy every 4 hours till the infection subsides.


Tea Bags

Soaked and chilled tea bags can be dabbed into the vaginal region, to ease the vaginal infection. This soothes the pain and itching, fights the bacteria, and also reduces the inflammation and infection in the vagina.

Tea Bags

Cranberry Juice

Drink plenty of cranberry juice, several times a day to drive away all the bacteria from the genital parts. This juice is extremely acidic and acts as a disinfectant which controls the bacteria from multiplying, and is purifying in nature.

Cranberry Juice

Vegetable Juices

Juices of ginger, parsley, and garlic, combined with green juices are effective in healing bacterial vaginitis and cleanse the body of all toxins and impurities.

Vegetable Juices


The probiotic properties of yogurt help in fighting germ attack and disinfects the area. A cotton ball soaked in yogurt can be inserted into the vagina and applied to the affected area. Repeat frequently within a few hours. Continue this remedy till the infection subsides totally. Drink yogurt to cleanse the system internally.


Cedar Oil

Having a bath in hot water in which some salt and a few drops of cedar oil is added, is a great way to expelling infection from the body and easing the problem of itching and swelling in the vagina.

Cedar Oil

Chamomile Tea

Tea bags of chamomile which are soaked and cooled can be applied to the vagina. The water soothes the inflammation in the vagina and also controls the infection. Continue this process till the symptoms persist.

Chamomile Tea


The oil of oregano helps in fighting the infections in any part of the body as it is a powerful disinfectant. This can be used to control the infection in women before it becomes very chronic.


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