Tongue is a very useful muscle in the body that allows a person to speak and swallow. It is also considered as the strongest muscle present in the body. Usually tongue is pink in color and due to various types of reasons; the color of the tongue becomes white, red, and even yellow. The reason behind canker sore on tongue may be many, but the best and most amazing remedies is none other than home remedies. Papillae are small types of nodules that cover the tongue. The red or yellow color of the tongue is mainly due to accumulation of dead cells on it or canker sore. Some food debris also accumulates to produce such kinds of results. The problem can be cured by applying some best remedies that are perfect for the tongue. With proper hygiene and proper lifestyle, the problem of tongue can be removed.
Best And Effective Home Remedies For Canker Sore On Tongue Are:
Oil Pulling
Oil pulling is a very traditional process that is practiced in order to remove the canker sore on the tongue. It will provide best results as it will remove all kinds of debris from the tongue. It will also remove yeast formation on the tongue. Apply some coconut oil on a dry cloth and rub it on the tongue. Other oil such as mustard oil can also be used for the same.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has some of the best properties that is best for human body. People who are suffering from the problem of canker sore on tongue can use aloe Vera gel to get rid of the whiteness instantly. The curing property of gel present in aloe Vera is of great use and thus can produce positive results. Spread some aloe juice on the tongue and spit it after some time.
Salt can be easily found in kitchen and it has lots of use. Salt has found to be effective to cure the issue of canker sore on tongue. Salt actually helps to act as scrub on the tongue and thus provide better results. The antibacterial properties of salt will take care of the infections on the tongue and restrict its growth. Apply some salt on the tongue and rub it properly. Wash the mouth with water.
Baking Soda
Baking soda has some of the best properties to take care of canker sore on tongue. The alkaline nature of baking soda will prevent the formation of infection on tongue. It also contains best type of exfoliating nature to remove all food debris and dead skin cells from the tongue. Extract some lemon juice and add to baking soda. Apply this paste on the tongue for some time and then rinse it to get rid of canker sore on tongue.
Yogurt is suppose to contain best kind of bacteria that will remove bad bacteria from the tongue and thus get rid of canker sore on tongue. It will also help to remove the bad odor from the mouth. Since it is probiotic in nature, it will remove the white color from the tongue. Take sufficient amount of yogurt to get rid of canker sore on tongue and maintain required health.
Gargling is a very common and best process to keep away all kinds of infections from the mouth. It will help to remove food particles and white color from the tongue. Add some salt to hot water and then use it to gargle. Repeat this process after having the meals. It will clear off the debris from the mouth and also canker sore on tongue. Repeat this process daily for long term results.
Turmeric has huge amount of medicinal properties. These properties make it unique while curing various types of problems. its antibacterial nature of turmeric will avoid bacterial infection on the tongue. It will work perfectly to solve the problem. Add some freshly squeezed lemon juice to turmeric powder and make paste of it. apply this paste on the canker sore on tongue to clean it.
Tongue Cleaner
People having white coated tongue should always make sure to clean their tongue during brushing their teeth. It is very easy as the reverse side of the brush contains rough patches to clean the tongue. Some people do not pay attention to such practice and thus suffer from canker sore on tongue. Clean the tongue with this brush several times in a day to get rid of the problem.
Drinking sufficient amount of water will help to stay hydrated and clean the debris from the tongue. People suffering from canker sore on tongue should drink proper amount of water at regular interval. It is good for health and will avoid the white color forming on the tongue. It is an easy process and it will also flush all kinds of infection causing agents from upper surface of tongue.