Health Care

How To Use Castor Oil To Remove Moles

How To Use Castor Oil To Remove Moles

Moles can be appear on any part of the skin and if they appear on the face or on any sensitive area, then they look awkward and your appearance is in danger. Moles are bacterial infection and it can be spread all over the body, there are many medicines available in the market, but all of them have some side effects. Castor oil is used as a mole removal from ancient times, it has the antibacterial properties, which helps in cleaning the moles, also the spot of the moles will also be removed by it, here are some of the ways by which you can remove your moles easily with the help of the caster oil.

1. Castor Oil With The Baking Soda

In the small bowl, add few drops of the castor oil, add the baking soda to it, now clean your face and rinse it completely, now with the help of some sharp thing place this to the mole area, now take the bandage and fix it on it, do this at night and next morning take it out and repeat the process for 3-4 days, you will see that the mole will get tender and it will be removed.[1]

Castor Oil With The Baking Soda

2. Castor Oil With The Garlic Salt

If you do not have the sensitive skin, then you need to make a paste of the 1 teaspoon of the castor oil and 1 teaspoon of the garlic salt, add zest of the garlic clove to it or you can use the garlic salt also, now clean your wart area, place this on the mole area, now after 5 hours, rinse it off with the lukewarm water and apply any moisturizer to it, do the process for 3-4 times.[2]

Castor Oil With The Garlic Salt

3. Castor Oil With The Flax Seed And Honey

This is a good home made remedy for the moles, for this you need to mix the honey with the castor oil, apply flax seed to it, now mix it to get a thick consistency of it, now clean the area, take the bandage or doctor tape, now place little bit of the mixture on it, stick it to the mole area and then remove it after 3 hours, your moles will be removed in 3-4 process, sometime it will take much time if the mole is hard, then you should continue the process for some more time.[3]

Castor Oil With The Flax Seed And Honey

4. Castor And Tea Tree Oil For The Moles

Tea tree oil has the anti inflammable properties, so if you have the sensitive skin, then you can use this remedy, just mix equal amount of the castor and tea tree oil and then apply it directly to the mole area, make sure that you the oil should not spread to the other area, now clean it with the gentle face wash and apply moisturizer to it, do this for 3-4 times but still if you are facing any problems or irritation then you should immediately contact to the dermatologist.[4]

Castor And Tea Tree Oil For The Moles

5. Apple Cider Vinegar With The Castor Oil

This is the good way to remove the mole, apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature and it is good for the digestion also, just take the 1 teaspoon of the apple cider vinegar, now mix it with the castor oil, take few drops of it to the cotton buds and then apply directly on the mole, tap it for sometime and leave it for few hours, then rinse it.[5]

Apple Cider Vinegar With The Castor Oil

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