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6 Best Homemade Face Masks For Glowing Skin

Homemade Face Masks For Glowing Skin

Each one of us wants healthy and glowing skin. We usually end up going to beauty parlours/salons for facial. But, they might not give the desired results every time and the facials come at a very good price. Above all, we are never sure what type of chemical products are used on our skin for the facial, the reaction might turn out to be the other way.

Best of all is to use the ingredients available in our kitchen to make a face mask. They are not only benefitial for our skin, but also safer to use. No chemical reactions, no extra cost, what else would a perfect face mask be like.

Below Are Some Of The Masks That You Can Try Making At Home For Healthier And Glowing Skin:

1. Cucumber And Lemon Mask

If you are a victim of heat and skin tanning, cucumber is just the right thing for you. Many people loose the glow on their skin due to prolonged exposure to sun. If your skin is healthy, it will surely glow. If your face is sensitive to sun’s heat, you can try cucumber mask. It will keep your skin cool and will give soothing effects. Also, cucumber helps in fighting against skin irritation and rashes.
Lemon is something that you can use anytime for fairer and glwoing skin. It is an astringent and anti-bacterial. So, it would make your skin look younger. Also, it will clean off the harmful bacteria from your skin.


1 tablespoon lemon
3 tablespoon cucumber juice

Cucumber And Lemon Mask


Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in 3 tablespoon of cucumber juice. Apply the mixture on clean face. Let the mixture work for 10 minutes. You can then wash your face with water and apply moisturiser.
You can also apply cucumber directly on your face. Take sufficient amount of grated cucumber and apply all over your face. Let the cucumber mask settle for around 15 minutes. Wash it off with clean water and moisturise as required.

2. Potato And Lemon Mask

Lemon is very benefitial for skin. It is anti bacterial, astringent and is rich in Vitamin C. But, remember not to use it directly. If applied directly, lemon may cause irritation on your skin. It is always adviced to mix it with some ingredient to minimize its harsh effects. You can make a face mask by using potatoes with lemon. Potatoes are rich in vitamin B6 and promote new cell formation. They also have bleaching effects, just like lemons. So adding potatoes would complement the benefits of lemons.


1 Potato
1 tablespoon lemon

Potato And Lemon Mask


Grate 1 potato and extract the juice from it. Mix 3 tablespoon of potato juice with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Wash your face with your regular facewash and apply the mask. Let the face mask work for 10 minutes. You can then wash your face with water and apply moisturiser.

3. Walnut And Cream Mask

Most of the nuts are rich in anti-oxidants and so are walnuts. This property of the nuts helps in skin rejuvination. They are also rich in fats which provide moisture to skin. As already stated, a healthy skin is a glowing skin. You can make a face mask by adding milk cream to walnuts. Milk cream is rich in nutrients and lactic acid. They help in making skin healthier and brigher.


2 Walnuts
1 tablespoon milk cream

Walnut And Cream Mask


Take 2 walnuts and soak them in clean water for 2-3 hours. After the nuts are properly soaked, grind them and form a smooth paste. Add 1 tablespoon of milk cream to the walnut paste and mix properly. Your walnut face mask is ready to be used. Wash your face with your regular facewash and apply the face mask. Let the mask work for sometime. After 20 minutes, rinse off the face mask with water and apply moisturiser.

4. Tomato And Honey Mask

Tomatoes are rich in anti-oxidants and so, they are very useful in face masks. The anti-oxidants will make your skin look younger and will prevent skin damage. Tomatoes are rich in Vitamins as well, so they help in nourishing skin. On the other hand, honey is a great anti-bacterial,anti-inflammatory and moisturising agent. It wouth soothe your skin and would help against skin irritation, acne, etc. So mixing the two ingredients would bring out a lot of benefits altogether.


1 Tomato

Tomato And Honey Mask


Take 1 tomato and juice it out. Mix 2-3 tablespoon of the tomato juice with 1 tablespoon of honey. Wash your face with your regular facewash and apply the face mask. Let the mask settle for 15 minutes after which it can be rinsed off. Dont forget to apply your moisturiser, dry skin often looses its glow.

5. Aloe Vera Face Mask

Aloe Vera has skin healing and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in reducing skin irritation, rashes and itching. In short, it lets your skin breathe again. Aloe Vera has a very high content of water, so it helps in skin hydration. Keeping your skin hydrated is very important. A large part of our body is made of water, so sufficient water level is required to keep it healthy and beautiful. Most of the times it is the dehydration issue which makes your skin look dull. Try Aloe Vera face mask for healthier skin.


Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Face Mask


The best thing about using Aloe Vera mask is that you only need the plant. It is always good to use fresh gel directly from the plant, instead of buying Aloe Vera gels from market. Take a leaf of the Aloe Vera plant and break it. The broken leaf would spill out gel. Collect the gel in a container. Wash your face with facewash and apply the Aloe Vera gel. Let the gel calm your skin for 10-15 minutes. After sufficient time, rinse your face with water and apply moisturiser.

6. Almond Mask

Almonds are a rich source of Vitamin E, which is very good for skin. It protects your skin against damage and provides nourishment. Almonds are a rich source of energy as well. So you can chew handful of them and use 2-3 almonds for the face mask.


2 – 3 Almonds

Almond Mask


Soak 2-3 almonds in water overnight. Next morning, mash the almonds in some milk to form a uniform mixture. Wash your face with face wash and apply the mixture. Let the mask work for 20-30 minutes. After sufficient time, wash off the mask with water and apply moisturiser as required.

Above face masks would definitely help you in getting healthier and glowing skin. But what is most important is to eat right. All that you eat is reflected in your skin. So, eat healthy and stay beautifull.

One thought on “6 Best Homemade Face Masks For Glowing Skin

  1. hi,

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