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17 Effective Home Remedies For Skin Abrasions

Home Remedies For Skin Abrasions

The term abrasion is defined to use a wound or injury that doesn’t go any deeper than the epidermis of the skin. So it is not really something serious, but the problem is that it is an irritating cut or wound anyway. If not treated on time, these abrasions tend to get worse and lead to infections. These abrasions may occur because of a fall, friction, cut or something similar. So here are easy home remedies to treat them and prevent the same from getting worse.

Below Are the Remedies For Skin Abrasions:


One of the easiest and quickest home remedies here would be to use ice on the abrasion. It helps in cleaning the wound, provides relief from the inflammation and also starts the healing process. Plus it kills the bacteria that can worsen the same.


Aloe Vera

Take the gel of the aloe vera and apply it on the abrasion. This home remedy really works because it prevents the injury from getting worse and heals. Aloe is known for its gentle moisturising properties that helps in faster repair.

Aloe Vera

Coconut Oil

There is an ingredient in coconut oil called lauric acid that is known for boosting immunity. Rubbing the coconut oil is a tried and tested home remedy for abrasions. It heals the wounds and nourishes the same, which prevents it from getting bad.

Coconut Oil


Being rich in antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, rubbing honey on the wound immediately kick starts the healing process. Rub honey gently over the area after cleaning the same. Then let it stay for a while and let the skin soak the same.


Tea Tree Oil

Always use few drops of diluted tea tree oil with water to clean the abrasion. This antibacterial agent will stop the abrasion from getting bad and starts off the repair procedure. You should apply it 2-3 times a day for visible results.

Tea Tree Oil


If you don’t have access to the medicinal cupboard, then mix up some turmeric with water and apply the paste on the abrasion. Turmeric too has healing properties that is known to reduce pain and inflammation along with repairing the area faster.



Fresh flowers of the calendula can be crushed to extract juice or even take the diluted calendula oil, which is known as marigold. This oil helps in healing the area and prevents the abrasion from getting worse. It also prevents the constant itching feeling that is associated with the same.


Potato Slice

Take the slice of a potato and then rub this all over the wound. It not only prevents any kind of light bleeding that may occur but the starchy potato juice is known for nourishing the area and reduces marks of different types of abrasion.

Potato Slice

Apple Cider Vinegar

This one might sting a little bit, however it is one of the safest ways to clean the wound. Apple cider vinegar has natural acidity that stops any kind of abrasion from getting infected. For this home remedy, you have to mix or dilute apple cider vinegar with some water and then clean the area. Do this at least twice a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar


The good old toothpaste contains peppermint and other natural ingredients that are known for healing abrasions. In fact, you can just take a bit in your hand and apply the same all over the abrasion gently. Leave a thick coating if needed and see immediate results.


Almond Oil

Like other oil forms, almond oil too has many healing properties that work as a great home remedy for abrasions. But this stands out because it is rich in Vitamin E, which makes it ideal for repairing the skin that has been bruised. Apply almond oil on the clean area for visible results.

Almond Oil

Lavender Flower

If you have fresh lavender flowers at home, apply the same over the bruised area. Alternatively, the oil of lavender or even powdered lavender really works in healing the same.

Lavender Flower

Olive Oil

The natural fats in olive oil are always recommended for treating abrasions at home. Take a bit of olive oil and then clean the area well using the same. In fact, if there’s a remote chance of any poisoning due to ivy or something, olive oil absorbs the same.

Olive Oil

Corn Starch

Mix a bit of corn starch with some water and lime juice and apply on the area. The lime juice disinfects the zone while the corn starch forms a thick coating over the bruise.

Corn Starch

Indian Lilac Leaves

You will find this plant in most homes. Just crush the leaves slightly and apply it over the wound or bruised area. It has antibacterial properties that soothes the same. You can also apply Indian Lilac Oil over the zone.

Indian Lilac Leaves

Egg Whites

Whip up some egg whites and apply over the abrasion area. It works by stopping the wound from getting worse and also gets rid of the marks.

Egg Whites

Rose Water

Clean the infected area with some rose water, which is known for its healing and soothing properties. It will prevent itching and treat the wound faster.

Rose Water

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