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15 Superb Foods To Make Hair Grow Faster

Superb Foods To Make Hair Grow Faster

Long beautiful hair is every woman’s dream and she is always on the lookout for some magic potion that will make her hair grow real fast. This quest for growing hair fast makes her adapt some real harmful chemical treatments which can further damage hair. But actually the magic potion to grow hair fast lies in your daily diet. Yes there are actually some foods which help to grow hair faster.

Mentioned Below Are Some Such Foods That Help In Growing Hair Real Fast:


Oysters are a rich source of zinc which is essential for hair growth. Besides zinc they also contain important vitamins and minerals like calcium and omega fatty acids .All these aid in healthy hair growth.



Egg yolks contain biotin which is of importance for hair growth. Eggs are also a source of iron and zinc which too promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. Make it a point to have a boiled egg daily for breakfast.

Egg Salad

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are good for the hair as they contain vitamin E in abundance. Vitamin E improves the circulation of blood in the scalp area and thus helps in hair growth. Have a handful of sunflower seeds everyday in the morning.

Sunflower seeds

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are loaded with Beta carotene which is ultimately converted to vitamin A by the body. Vitamin A is an essential compound to prevent the hair from getting dry and dull and it prevents hair loss. Hence regular consumption of sweet potatoes is a must. You can have it raw or simply boil it and have it.

Sweet Potatoes


Walnuts and almonds are a rich source of biotin which is essential for hair growth and helps making hair stronger. Regular intake of almonds and walnut will give a noticeable difference in your locks.



Our body cannot form omega3 fatty acids but it plays an important role in hair growth. Fish like salmon are a rich source of omega3 fatty acids. Have salmon twice in a week for healthy hair.


Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are a rich source of omega3 fatty acids and should be consumed on a regular basis. You can have a handful of these seeds everyday or even add it to salads and milkshakes.

Chia Seeds


Avocado contains omega fatty acids, vitamin B and E. Avocado helps give strength to the hair and prevents loss of hair. It helps in making hair stronger and lustrous. You should try and consume as much avocado as possible.


Yellow Peppers

Did you know that yellow peppers have more vitamin C than oranges? Yes this is true and vitamin C is useful in strengthening hair and prevents any damage to it and also prevents hair loss. You can have yellow peppers in soups , salads ,veggies etc.

Yellow Peppers


This fruit too is a rich source of vitamin C and minerals that are essential for prevention of hair loss and promotion of hair growth and hence must be consumed on a regular basis.


Chicken and Turkey

Proteins are essential for hair growth and they also help prevent hair loss. Lean poultry like chicken and turkey are good sources of proteins and also have less saturated fat as compared to red meat .Hence consume chicken and turkey in baked or boiled form.


Whole Grains And Lentils

Whole grains are also rich in vitamin called biotin which prevents the hair from being brittle and prevents hair loss. Consume as much whole grains as possible. Lentils provide folates which also helps in hair growth and hence must be consumed on a regular basis.

Whole grains


Spinach is a rich source of iron, folates, vitamins and beta carotene all of which help in keeping the hair strong and healthy and prevent hair loss. You can have spinach as a salad or as a soup on a regular basis.

Spinach (2)


Cauliflower contains biotin which as we already known is very important for hair growth and prevention of hair loss. You can have cauliflower as a salad or cook it up and have it as a veggie or in soups.



Berries like black berries and raspberries are a rich source of folates and biotin which helps in fast hair growth and hence must be a part of your diet. Have a bowl of fresh berries regularly. You can even enjoy glass of fresh juice of these berries or have them as a smoothie.


These readily available foods are actually super foods for your hair which help your hair grow faster and keep them strong, healthy and shining.

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