Blog, Herbal Remedies

6 Ways To Use Echinacea For Herpes

Echinacea For Herpes

Echinacea is known for treating herpes of various kinds. It has been seen to have both preventive and healing powers, which is known to reduce the recurrence of the same. Herpes is usually caused because of excessive sexual activity, drinking alcohol or even poor lifestyle habits. In such cases, herbal remedies like Echinacea can be used for helping in reducing the symptoms associated with herpes.

Here’s Some Solution Available With Echinacea-

Have Echinacea Capsules/ Oil

Herbal capsules/ oil of the Echinacea roots are available in the market. They are known to prevent the symptoms associated with herpes, especially genital herpes. Consuming the tablets twice a day for a few months is known to prevent the outbreak of the disease further and helps in faster healing too.

Have Echinacea Capsules Oil

External Application

Mixing a little bit of the Echinacea extract or root powder with some yogurt or even a water is known to restrain the herpes. Being associated with itching, burning sensation, etc. external application with aloe vera or other similar ingredients is known to restrain and minimise the symptoms of herpes.

External Application

As Tea

You can use the Echinacea roots or even their available tea bags and make a weak tea for internal consumption. Echinacea been very effective against herpes virus. The Echinacea pallida provides therapeutic benefits by restraining the spread of the disease and alleviating symptoms like itching, inflammation, redness.

As Tea

Mixed With Garlic And Goldenseal

Echinacea is proven to be highly affected for its antiviral and antibacterial properties, especially when combined with garlic and golden seal. You can prepare a mix of the three ingredients taking them in equal quantities. Then just boil the same in a cup of water and consume this syrup all through the day.

Mixed With Garlic And Goldenseal

Ginger With Echinacea

You can take some fresh ginger and boil it along with leaves or roots of the Echinacea. Once the water reduces to half, strain the juice and drink this tea twice a day to get benefits and relief from herpes.

Ginger With Echinacea

Fresh Echinacea Juice

If you have access to fresh Echinacea, then you can also take out the juice of the same and have a small spoon in the morning. Alternatively, you can boil its roots and make a concoction and drink 1-2 spoons a day for getting relief from herpes.

Fresh Echinacea Juice

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