Home Remedies, Women's Heath

6 Easy Home Remedies For Dysmenorrhea

Home Remedies For Dysmenorrhea

Dysmenorrhea are frustrating, painful cramps that teens and women suffer during the menstruation period. Dysmenorrhea is classified into primary and secondary dysmenorrhea. Primary type occurs in the teen girls in their first few years of their menstruation cycle, while secondary type is a kind of pain during the menstruation which occurs due to certain gynecological issues, such as infection in pelvis or the formation of fibroid tumor. However, many women tend to ignore the menstruation pain and their ignorance leads to the aggravation of the ailment. So it is very important to treat dysmenorrhea as soon as you discover it.

Here Are Some Easy And Simple Home Remedies To Treat Dysmenorrheal Effectively:

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of the effective cures for dysmenorrhea as it treats the menstrual cramps substantially. It possesses compound known as aloes which effectively promotes the sterility and treats disturbed menstrual activity and pain in women.

Aloe Vera

Sesame Seeds

The use of sesame seeds is a traditional home remedy to treat menstruation pain and cramps. It helps alleviate the discomfort during the menstruation substantially.

Sesame Seeds


Beetroot is an excellent cure to correct various menstrual disorders. It treats dysmenorrheal to a great extent. Make sure you have a glass of beetroot juice every day regulate the condition substantially.



Ginger possesses medicinal properties that help cure lots of health conditions including dysmenorrhea. It helps reduce pain, bloating, and diarrhea resulting due to dysmenorrhea. All you need to do is boil some root of ginger in water, strain it, and drink the tea thrice every day when you experience discomfort due to the ailment.


Hot Fluids

Drinking hot fluids helps mitigate the symptoms of dysmenorrhea significantly. Hot fluids enhance the circulation of the blood and aid in alleviating the menstrual pain and cramps. However, avoid coffee and tea since the caffeine in it may cause irritation in your intestine and that may aggravate the menstrual pain.

Hot fluids


Cinnamon is one of the oldest home remedy to alleviate the pain and inflammation resulting due to menstrual cramps. All you need to do is add cinnamon sticks in your regular meals to treat the symptoms of dysmenorrheal effectively.


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