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5 Home Remedies For Sprained Ankle

Home Remedies For Sprained Ankle

A sprain occurs is when a person has a torn or overstretched a muscle and usually happens when a joint get twisted and in turn injures the ligaments which connect the bones present in the joint. Ankle sprains can be caused due to various ways by accidents, wearing heels, walking or running on uneven surfaces and even while lifting heavy weights. The usual indications of a sprain are pain, inflammation, bruising and et al.

However, it is always advised to seek medical attention in the cases of serious sprains, but in case of one’s which are mild; one can effectively rely on some home remedies which provide relief and cure in a span of time.

Home Remedies For Sprained Ankles Are As Follows:

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is an awesome home remedy to cure sprained ankles. The crystals of magnesium sulphate present in the Epsom salt are highly effective in soothing the sore muscles and also have a calming effect on the nerves close by as well. The benefits of Epsom salt can be reaped by mixing one cup of Epsom salt with warm water and soak the ankle in this mix for about half an hour. The sprain if soaked in this water mix for atleast two to three times in a day regularly will definitely help in reducing the sprained part of the body.

Epsom Salt


Due to the anti-inflammatory properties in garlic, they can also be used to relieve the pain and inflammation caused by sprains. Paired up with the healing properties, use of garlic can work wonders in this case. Mixing one spoon garlic juice to two spoon coconut oil and rubbing the affected area with the mix and keeping it on for a span of thirty minutes on a regular basis helps in healing ankle sprain completely.



Turmeric is known for its medicinal properties and also helps in soothing a sprained ankle as well. Turmeric application can be of great help in cases of sprains due to its anti-inflammatory properties paired up with its speciality to prevent clotting of blood which helps in improved blood circulation as well. Turmeric can be used by mixing lukewarm water, one spoon of lime juice and two spoons of turmeric powder to make a thick paste. This paste when applied on the affected area bandaged for about ten hours helps in relieving the sprain to a great extent. Turmeric powder added to hot milk on consumption helps in reducing the pain caused by the sprain as well.


Olive Oil

Olive oil can also help in relieving ankle sprains due to the fact that it is anti-inflammatory in nature and helps in healing too. Massaging lukewarm temperature olive oil helps in relieving the pain and inflammation caused by ankle sprains.

Olive Oil

Cabbage Leaves

Yet another proven home remedy for sprains are cabbage leaves which help in reducing the pain and inflammation associated. These leaves contain a bunch of essential vitamins and minerals which help in reducing the swelling within a short span of time. To use this remedy one needs to take the leaves and put them in hot water for 2-3 minutes and then cool them under cold water immediately. These leaves are then applied to the affected area with the help of foil to keep it in place for half an hour. Repeating this process a number of times during the day can help reduce the ankle sprain miraculously.

Cabbage Leaves

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