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13 Easy Home Remedies For Removal Of Blackheads

Home Remedies For Removal Of Blackheads

Basically blackheads are bumps on your face which appear dark and black. Squeezing them is really a painful situation and harmful too. Generally blackheads appear more on your nose and surrounding areas. There are many home based products which can help you to get rid of blackheads naturally. Moreover these remedies are painless and cost effective too.

Here Are The Home Remedies For Treating Blackheads:


Almond can help you to treat the blackheads easily. You need to make a face pack of it. Take ½ cup of almonds and 1 tbsp of gram flour. Add some rose water into it and mix well. Now apply it to the affected parts of your face.

Almond Scrub And Rice Flour Scrub

Honey :

Honey is an amazing thing which is very good for your skin. It soothes your skin and provides a lot of benefits to it. Take clean cotton swab and apply some honey directly to your blackheads. Let it dry and wash your face with hot water. Repeat this remedy twice a day to see the results.

Honey (2)

Lemon Juice:

Skin impurity is one of the basic causes of blackheads. For the deep cleansing of your face, lemon juice can be very beneficial. Take a lemon and squeeze to get the juice. Apply this juice on your face and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse your face. This will really help you to prevent the blackheads.

Lemon Juice (2)


Yogurt contains several essential nutrients which are good for your skin in many ways. It is also a very good natural agent which removes the blackheads from your skin. Take 1 tbsp of yogurt and add a few drops of olive oil in it. Mix it well and apply on your blackheads. You can either apply it on whole face as it has no harms. Leave for 15-20 minutes and then rinses off.



Egg is also very useful in removal of blackheads from your skin. Take an egg white and add 2 tsp of honey to it. Mix it well and apply to your blackheads. Leave for some time and then rinse off with warm water. This not only helps in removing the blackheads but also controls oil balance of your skin.

Eggs (3)


The common salt is also very beneficial when you are treating the blackheads naturally. You can take 2 tsp of salt, 1tsp of honey and 1 tsp lemon juice. Apply this solution on your affected skin. Massage it gently to scrub your skin and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse off. Repeat this remedy twice a day to see the changes.

Epsom Salt

Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera is an amazing plant which treats several skin problems. Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and squeeze it to get the pulp. Massage this pulp on your face for 10 minutes. Then rinse off and pat dry. You can repeat this remedy twice to thrice a day for the best result.

Aloe Vera Mask


Toothpaste is also very helpful in removing the blackheads from your face. It tightens the area around it and makes the blackhead dry to remove it easily. You can apply toothpaste with your finger on the affected parts of face. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash your face with hot water. Repeat this remedy two times a day for painless removal of blackheads in no time.


Baking Soda:

Baking soda is another beneficial agent to remove the blackheads from your face by gentle exfoliation. Mix 1 tsp of baking soda with water. Apply this solution on the blackheads and massage gently for 20 minutes. Now rinse your face and pat dry.

Baking Soda

Mint Juice:

Mint has natural cleansing properties in it which are very good for your skin. You can take a bunch of mint leaves and grind them to a fine paste. With a clean cotton swab you can apply this paste on your face. Leave for 20 minutes and then wash your face. This not only removes the blackheads but also gives your face a shiny glow.

Mint Juice


Cinnamon is also very useful in the removal of blackheads from your skin. You can take ground cinnamon and apply it on your face. Leave for some time and then rinse off. This reduces the future occurrence of blackheads on your face. You can follow this remedy twice a day for best results.

Honey and cinnamon Mask

Oatmeal Powder:

Oatmeal powder is also another beneficial thing to get rid of blackheads on your face. You can mix 1 tbsp of oatmeal powder with appropriate amount of water. Apply it on your face and leave for around 20 minutes. Then rinse your face and pat dry.

Oatmeal Poultice


Milk is very helpful in gentle exfoliation of your skin. You can take 2 tbsp of milk and simply massage on your face for 10-15 minutes. Now rinse your face with hot water to prevent the stickiness of milk. Repeat this remedy twice a day.


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