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10 Super Foods That Burn Fat And Help In Losing Weight

Super Foods That Burn Fat And Help In Losing Weight

You can easily get rid of the unwanted fat from your body by adding the right food to your diet. To increase energy expenditure, in addition to regular workouts, don’t miss including foods in your daily meals that help in speeding up metabolism and stimulate thermogenesis.

Apart from accelerating the fat burning process, these fat burning foods are sources of various vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients. Hence, to lose weight fast with the help of diet, consider consuming the following fat burning foods frequently.

Green Tea

Green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an antioxidant that helps in speeding up metabolism. Furthermore, EGCG prevents degradation of the hormone norepinephrine, which plays an important role in stimulating break down of the fat cells for energy production. Green tea is especially effective in burning the visceral fats.

Green Tea


Despite the unpleasant odor, garlic is highly revered for its health benefits. By boosting metabolism, garlic helps in breaking down the unwanted fats in the body. Moreover, garlic also helps in inhibiting synthesis of cholesterols.


Hot Peppers

To burn fats fast, add hot peppers to your meals. By increasing heat production, capsaicin, the key bioactive constituent of hot pepper, aids fat burning.

Hot Peppers

Low Fat, Unsweetened Yogurt

Yogurt is an excellent source of healthy protein. Your body spends more energy to digest protein than to digest carbohydrates. Moreover, protein rich foods help in suppressing appetite by keeping you full for a longer time.

Low Fat, Unsweetened Yogurt

Olive Oil

Consuming healthy fats can actually help your body to burn the extra fat at a faster rate. Olive oil is an excellent source of monounsaturated fats that help in eliminating the unhealthy cholesterol and triglycerides from the body.

Olive Oil

Dark Chocolate

Elevated level of the stress hormone cortisol increases fat buildup in the abdominal area. Dark chocolate, by decreasing the cortisol level, helps in reducing the stubborn belly fat.

Dark Chocolate

Peanut Butter

Monounsaturated fats found in peanut butter help in reducing the waistline. Peanut butter also helps in boosting metabolism.

Peanut Butter

Brazil Nuts

Sluggish thyroid function slows down metabolism and is a leading cause of obesity. By improving the function of the thyroid gland, Brazil nuts help in speeding up metabolism and promote fat burning.

Brazil Nuts

Black Coffee

To rev up your metabolism, consider drinking four to five cups of unsweetened black coffee daily. Caffeine in the beverage  helps in burning fat at a faster rate.

Black Coffee

Apple Cider Vinegar

Drinking a little apple cider vinegar before meal suppresses accumulation of fats in the abdomen. In addition, apple cider vinegar helps in reducing the blood sugar level after meals and lowers the cholesterol level.

Apple Cider Vinegar

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