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10 Home Remedies For Upset Stomach

Home Remedies For Upset Stomach

Upset stomach is a problem in the gastrointestinal tract that leads to intense pain. It is caused due to abnormal type of function in the tract due to some other reason. There are various types of reasons that lead to this exact problem. It leads to the feeling of bloating and pain in abdominal area. Overeating can become a reason for this problem. Other reasons include food poisoning, eating spicy food, food allergy and few others. The associated symptoms of this problem are poor appetite, constipation, heartburn, flatulence and more. Apply best known home remedies to cure the problem of upset stomach in short interval of time.

Best And Effective Home Remedies For Upset Stomach Are:


Oranges are a wonderful fruit that contains huge amount of antioxidants. These antioxidants are very perfect to flush the toxins out of the body. Vitamin C that is present in oranges is very perfect for human body. It will help in getting proper relaxation to the inner part of the stomach and thus releases gas. Use orange juice or consume it simply on daily basis to extract the benefits.



Raw organic honey has lots of beautiful benefits that can be utilized to cure the problem of upset stomach. First of all honey will help in proper digestion and will also allow proper absorption of food. It contains some best types of enzymes that are very necessary for digestion. It is thus advised to consume honey to get rid from the problem of stomach upset.


Caraway Seeds

Caraway seeds are used as home remedy to keep the bad bacteria under control. The bad bacteria present in stomach mainly lead to severe infection and thus causing various symptoms. Use of caraway seeds will help to get from the symptoms of gas, upset stomach and bloating. Chew some amount of these seeds after the meal to derive its benefits.

Caraway Seeds

Green Tea

Green tea is a wonderful kind of supplement to take care of upset stomach problem. The nutrients present in green tea are very much required to maintain the health of the stomach. The antioxidants present in green tea will help to remove the bad infection causing agents from the body. It will provide soothing effect to the lower abdomen and get best results.

Green Tea


People suffering from the problem of upset stomach need to drink sufficient amount of water to get relief from pain and inflammation. Water will promote the overall metabolism of the body and thus avoid the symptoms associated with stomach upset. Drink plain water along with citrus juices to add water content to the body and derive its benefits.


Heating Pad

Heating pad is another home remedy that can be done at home to cure the problem of upset stomach. It will help to increase blood circulation and transfer the pain to outside. Apply a hot water bottle wrapped in towel on lower abdomen to get relief from pain related to bloating. Use this method few times till the pain is reduced.

Heating Pad

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has acidic properties that will not allow the growth of bacteria in the stomach. Take some pure apple cider vinegar and mix honey into it. Add little warm water and drink this solution to get rid from upset stomach and its various types of symptoms. It will reduce the issue of gas and alleviate cramp in the stomach.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Mint With Carrot

Prepare an effective kind of juice that will help to soothe the inner membranes of the stomach and get rid of stomach upset. Take some fresh carrot and mint leaves to make pure juice from it. Mix it well and drink this best juice to get proper kind of results. It will help in reducing the pain by providing soothing effect to the abdomen muscles.

Mint With Carrot


Curd contains good bacteria that are going to remove the bad bacteria from the stomach and thus clear upset stomach. Curd is also supposed to provide cooling effect to the stomach and help in proper digestion. Use curd as home remedy to get rid from stomach upset problem and its related symptoms. It can be taken simply or in salads.



Bananas are considered as a best fruit that can help to cure any sort of gastrointestinal issues such as indigestion. Banana will mainly help to absorb all excessive amount of acid from the stomach and provide relief from acid problem. Add some mashed banana in buttermilk and drink it regularly till the problem is not cured. Banana along with tamarind pulp can also be consumed.


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