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10 Home Remedies For Allergic Rhinitis

Home Remedies For Allergic Rhinitis

As the name suggests the problem of allergic rhinitis is caused on contact with the allergy causing substances and this problem has affected a number of people around the world. Whenever the body comes in contact with substances like spores, animal danders, pollen grains, dust particles etc the body releases hormones and allergic symptoms are absorbed.

The common factors that are responsible for the problem of allergic rhinitis include a weak immune system, genetic factors, smoking, nutritional imbalance etc. On getting affected one can observe the symptoms like swollen eyes, runny nose, congestion in the nasal passage, frequent sneezing, coughing, fatigue, tiredness, soreness in throat etc. Here are the home remedies that you should use to treat the problem completely.

Salt Solution

You can use salt solution and perform nasal rinsing to get relief from the problem of nasal congestion. Mix some sale in normal water and rinse your nose several times daily to get relief.

Salt Solution

Use Steam

Hot water steam is the simplest home remedy to treat allergic rhinitis. It effectively provides relief from the nasal congestion and cures other symptoms of the problem as well. By regular use of this remedy one can easily get relief from sore throat, runny nose, coughing etc. Therefore cover your head over a hot water vessel and inhale the steam for about half an hour for effective results.

Use Steam


Regular consumption of hot ginger tea is highly recommended as ginger is very useful in treating the symptoms of the problem. The anti histamine nature of ginger can effectively cure the allergic problems. Moreover it is also rich in anti microbial properties which in turn ensure a complete relief from future occurrence. Therefore raw ginger or a cup of ginger tea should be added to your routine.



Garlic also contain anti bacterial and anti allergic properties that can effectively control the allergy symptoms. It provides relief from inflammation sore throat, congestion very effectively. One can simply chew raw garlic to incorporate the benefits otherwise you can also boil some garlic in milk and consume each night before sleeping.


Turmeric Powder

Turmeric powder is the best remedy to completely treat the problem of allergic rhinitis. There are several factors that make turmeric an effective remedy. First of all, its curcumin content is very helpful in preventing the inflammation and tiredness in the body and also helps in controlling the problem of congestion. Not only this, the recovery is speeded with the use of turmeric and it also controls the spreading of infection in the body and prevents bacterial attacks effectively. Mix some turmeric in milk and consume regularly to get relief.

Turmeric Powder

Apple Cider Vinegar

One cannot argue over the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar. It is one of the simplest yet effective home remedies for allergic rhinitis. Rich in anti inflammatory properties, apple cider vinegar helps in controlling the inflammation and provides relief from the symptoms like tiredness, fatigue etc. It also unblocks the nasal congestion and the immune boosting nature of it helps in improving the immunity and prevents allergic symptoms effectively. Mix some apple cider vinegar in warm water and consume regularly to get yourself treated.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Probiotic Yogurt

Probiotic yogurt is a source of millions of healthy bacteria that helps in improving the overall body’s immunity and prevents the affects of allergens very effectively. Including a cup of probiotic yogurt is therefore a wise and easy option to get relief.

Probiotic Yogurt

Green Tea

Green tea is a powerhouse of useful anti oxidants which helps in providing relief from all the symptoms of the problem. Fatigue, tiredness, mild body ache etc can be treated effectively with green tea. It is therefore highly recommended that you should regularly consume green tea so as to get relief from allergic rhinitis effectively.

Green Tea

Nettle Tea

Nettle tea is a wonderful home remedy to cure the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. It is being used since ages for curing all types of allergic symptoms. Simple by adding nettle tea to your daily routine you can easily get rid of the problem. 2 to 3 cups of nettle tea in a day can prevent future occurrence as well.

Nettle Tea

Foods Containing Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a very useful vitamin for human body. It has a long list of health benefits including relief from allergic rhinitis. First of all, it promotes the immunity of the body which in the first turn prevents the allergen attack. Secondly, it helps in speeding up the recovery process by treating all the symptoms effectively. Orange, lemon, kiwi, berries etc should therefore be included to your daily routine to get relief.

Foods Containing Vitamin C

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